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My History Maps DVD

My History Maps DVD


(Supplied on a CD) A range of 230 maps covering England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales all on one disc and at an affordable price.

Now you can plot your ancestors locations in many parts of the UK without having to buy lots of expensive printed maps. Contains Street plans,town plans, county maps and more dating from 1660 to 1947.

Price:£9.95 (Including VAT at 20%)


Customer Reviews

8/10  Maps on CD  Seems very useful though not used properly yet  (04/06/2020) Paul - Devon

10/10    Useful tool that can offer residential boundaries that are no longer available.  (11/04/2017) Ian Thistlewood -

8/10    Good maps but not relevant to my family history. may be useful for some people.  (12/12/2016) Vicky Daley -

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